Tsukuba Toastmasters Club (5814-76) Record of #387 Meeting Date: July 16, 2005, Venue: Onogawa Public Hall Presiding Officer: TM Machida Thought for the day: TM Ohno Business Session Ms. Park's reinstatement was approved. Financial Report: TM Kishimoto Audit Report: TM Watanabe Toastmaster of the Day: TM Nagata Helper Timer: TM M. Suzuki, Ums Ahs counter: TM Noguchi Vote counter TM M. Nakamura, Grammarian: TM Deocaris (Word of the day: Cocooning) Table Topics Master: DendagSchool regulationsh TM Futami (1'17''), TM Watanabe (1'29''), TM S.Suzuki (1'11''), TM Fukumoto (2'17''), TM Noguchi (1'35''), TM Ohno (2'05'') Prepared Speech Session: 1. TM Sugiyama #1 gWhat is treasure in my life?h(5'14'') 2. TM S. Nakamura #1 gIntroduction of myselfh(5'47'') 3. TM Matsushima Workshop: Successful Club Series gMeeting Roles and Responsibilitiesh(13'00'') 4. TM Sakamoto #25 gHistory of Christianity in Nagasakih(7'00'') Evaluation Session: General evaluator: TM Negi 1. TM Sugiyama's speech: TM Hayashi (3'16'') 2. TM S. Nakamura's speech: TM Hashida (3'23'') 3. TM Matsushima's speech: TM Shimizu ( 3'06'') 4. TM Sakamoto's speech: TM Machida (3'24'') Awards: Best Table Topic Speaker: TM Ohno Best Evaluator: TM Machida Best Prepared Speaker: TM Sugiyama Though for the day by TM Ohno Last Thursday we had terrible news again. The news was the bomb attacks to the bus and subways in London. Barbarous terrorists attacked innocent people. No ideology or cause can justify the premeditated murder of innocent people. Can't we find the way to cut off the chain of hatred? When the time comes that we and terrorists can sit down at the same table, I am sure we will need special skill for communication. We have to keep our freedom, generosity and have to prepare skillfully for that time.. Guests: Mr. Darrel Johnson (Apologies were received from TMs Kaneko, Kondo, Fumoto, Satoh, Kato, Hirano, and Mc. Takahashi)