Tsukuba Toastmasters Club (5814-76) Record of #395 Meeting Date: December 17, 2005, Venue: Onogawa Public Hall Presiding Officer: TM Fukumoto (VPE) Business Session: 1.Future assignment plan until April 15, 2006 by TM Fukumoto 2.Announcement of year-end party venue by TM Hashida Toastmaster of the day: TM M&S. Suzuki Timer: TM Noguchi, TM M. Nakamura, Vote Counter: TM Kaneko, TM Takahashi Grammarian: TM Ohno Umfs and Ahfs Counter: TM Kondo Short Speech Contest Part 1 1. TM Matsushima, gWhy donft you enjoy contests?h (3f10h) 2. TM Takahashi , gOne of my favorite restaurants in Tsukubah (3f30h) 3. TM M Nakamura, gTalking queenh (2f50h) 4. TM Sugiyama, gProfessor in your pocketh (3f22h) 5. TM Kaneko, gMerry Christmash (3f05h) 6. TM Hashida, gThe most memorable travel this yearh (3f16h) 7. TM Noguchi, gNo titleh (2f36h) Part 2 1. TM Park, gFree and pricelessh (3f29h) 2. TM Sakamoto, gTraveling abroadh (3f17h) 3. TM M. Suzuki, gSightseeing tour to Kyoto with my wifeh (2f47h) 4. TM Ohno, gChristmas tall taleh (3f27h) 5. TM S. Suzuki, gSuccessful lifeh (2f51h) 6. TM Fukumoto, gTsukuba 2005h (3f18h) 7. TM Kondo, gGDP to GDHh (3f25h) Table Topics Session: TM S. Suzuki, gSo you like this or not? Why?h TM M Nakamura (1f40h) TM Kondo (1f21h) TM Kaneko (1f42h) Ms. Sugimoto (1f30h) TM Sugiyama (1f26h) TM Matsushima (1f29h) TM Fukumoto (1f27h) TM Hashida (1f05h) Evaluation Session: General Evaluator: TM Sakamoto Award Session: Short Speech Contest Part 1: 1st Place TM Takahashi 2nd Place TM Noguchi Part 2: 1st Place TM Sakamoto 1st Place TM Kondo Best TT Speaker: Ms. Sugimoto Guests: Mr. Mikio Suzuki, Ms. Iwasaki, Ms. Sugimoto Attendance: TMs Fukumoto, M&S. Suzuki, Park, Matsushima, M. Nakamura, Noguchi, Ohno, Kaneko, Hashida, Sakamoto, Kondo, Takahashi, Sugiyama